Organization Metrics

Organization Metrics

Update: Organization metrics are experimental and might be removed in the future. We suggest you experiment with them, but don't become dependent on them. If you want to have complicated workflows with some models that import the results of others, we recommend you consider Squiggle (opens in a new tab).

Have a few similar metrics that are used in multiple sheets? You can use organization metrics to have some constants that will be similar among all of your organization's models.

Organizational metrics are stored in what is called the organization metric library. All organizational metrics are completely private and are only available for use in private models. Organizational metrics are available only to organizations with private plans.

Basic Organization Metrics

To create some basic organizational metrics available in all models, go to the organization Metric Library page. The metric library is organized into categories

From there, it's simple to add a new organizational metric. This will be available in all organizational models.

Each metric has a ** value**, name, and hashtag.

The value is a numeric value that represents the current expectation or known value. For instance,



40K to 43K.

The value can be a data input. It cannot be a function. Also, if this is a range, you will not be able to choose between the standard distribution options for that range.

The name is whatever you want to use to refer to the metric. It is only used for your own reference.

The hashtag is what you can use to refer to the organizational metric inside of a local metric in a model. As opposed to global metrics, which are referenced with the @ symbol, organizational metrics are referenced via a automatically generated or user-set hashtag, as shown below:

Organization metrics are referenced via the hashtag

Organizational metrics can be simply added or edited. We suggest being careful with deleting these metrics: while this is possible, if you have a model that uses that metric, that model may break.

Exported Metrics

Organizational metrics can also be exported from metrics within private models within your organization. To export a metric, simply open the metric sidebar and select 'Export':

Export a local Metric to an organizational Metric via the Metric Sidebar

Only named metrics containing functions can be exported. Once a metric has been exported to the organizational library, deleting either that local metric or that organizational metric will delete the associated organizational metric. Furthermore, the metric card is marked with an exported symbol in the upper right corner of the card, as below:

Exported metrics are specially demarcated

Exported organizational metrics take on the name of the owning metric, an automatically assigned hashtag based on that name, and the value of that metric. The resultant metric are kept in-sync with the owning model, even if upstream metrics used in the model change. In this way, you can connect disparate metrics together via models that relate one metric to another.

The Metric Graph

You can explore metric and model dependencies via the Metric Graph, accessible on the organization page. The metric graph also will show which models within your organization import and export which library metrics, even if those models do not export metrics of their own.

The metric graph displays the dependency network of your organization's facts.

Using Organizational Library Metrics

Organizational metrics are simple to use in models. In a function, type the hashtag that represents an organizational metric in order to refer to it. This should auto-complete, so after typing the first few characters, you can click TAB to complete the word.

Organizational metrics are still an experimental feature; if you encounter any issues in their usage, please contact us.